
[영어문장] 그런말이 어디 나와 있는데?? - Can you point me that says so?

2007. 9. 7. 01:29
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누군가가 물었다.


Posts: 25
Is String.intern() thread safe?
Posted: Sep 5, 2007 9:06 AM
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I get a large report like structure of rows and columns of strings from over a socket connection. There are lots of repeated strings in this structure and I'd like to intern() the string values to free up heap space. My only question is weather String.intern() is thread safe. I assume it is, but I can't seem to find anything that says so. Does anyone know where I could look to find this out?

그랬더니 누군가가 답했다. ( 너무나 간단하게 ;;; )

Posts: 1
Re: Is String.intern() thread safe?
Posted: Sep 5, 2007 10:26 PM   in response to: aberrant
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Is thread safe.

그랬더니.. 질문한 사람이 또 질문을 달았다.

Posts: 25
Re: Is String.intern() thread safe?
Posted: Sep 6, 2007 5:16 AM   in response to: rajeshravindran
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Thank you, but can you point me to some official documentation that says so? It's not that I doubt you but I've been asked to provide some documentation that says "String.intern() is thread safe".

질문한 사람이 답을 보니 너무 어이가 없었나 보다..
safe 한지 물어 봤는데.... 그 답이.. 너무나 간단하게 safe 하다고 한다.

그러니깐 어디에 그런 말이 있냐고 따진다.
Thank you, but can you point me to some official documentation that says so?
( 고맙긴한데, 니가 말한 그게 공식적인 문서에 어디 나와 있는데? 좀 알려 주라~ )

교재 같은데 있는게 아니고, 걍 글 보다가 찾은거라 -_- 충분히 잘못 되었을 수 있다. ㅎㅎ